Join Our Pilot Group
At Oxford Flood Network we’re building a citizen sensing project to collect detailed information on river levels around Oxford.
If you live in Oxford city, around the Thames, Cherwell, Oxford Canal or one of the many streams and think you could host an Oxford Flood Network sensor and gateway in your home then now’s the time to let us know.
We’re collecting a list of people who are happy to host a sensor (50mm x 50mm 100mm) and/or gateway device (90mm x 60mm x 26mm).
- To install a sensor we need an overhang over a waterway, stream, river or ditch within 200 metres of a broadband router.
- To install the gateway we need an Ethernet port on your broadband router and use of a plug. Once connected it generates a tiny amount of data each hour.
There is no cost to you for the devices, but you will need to help us keep it up and running by checking it periodically online and perhaps changing the battery once a year. We’ll use the sensors to create a detailed map of water levels around the city in higher detail than the Environment Agency’s existing sensors.

If you add yourself to the list of locations we can talk to you about hosting a gateway or sensor. Don’t worry, we’ll never share these details outside Oxford Flood Network without your consent.
For more information contact us at: or on Twitter: oxfloodnet or come and see us at the Oxford Startups Demo Night on Thursday May 14th 2015.